The NDIS and what it means to you.

About the NDIS

A Federal Government initiative, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is totally focused on empower people with a disability who meet the eligibility criteria to achieve their goals, identify the disability related support and services they need to meet their goals, and to choose where they would like to buy their supports.

The NDIS has changed the way that disability services are delivered in Australia. It recognises that disability related support is an entitlement, and means you have a choice of service providers in an open market – it gives you more choice and control.

What the NDIS will fund.

The NDIS will fund ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports needed to meet your needs and achieve your goals. Depending on your goals, the funding in your plan may include the following:

Core funding

– funding that covers functional support needs for daily living and participation and to access community supports and activities.

Capital funding

– funding that covers the purchase of one-off items such as equipment, technology or modifications. It also includes funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation.

Capacity funding

– funding that supports skill building, training, learning, capacity building, accessing employment, improving health and wellbeing and support coordination.

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